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Search  "Fawkes the phoenix"

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  • 15,90 € Out of stock
    Out of stock
    Fumeseck is Dumbledore's phoenix, seen in Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets in when he brings the sorting hat to Harry. Her tears can heal the worst wounds and rise from the ashes. Discover all our POP figurines! from the Harry Potter universe in our section: Characteristics: Material: Vinyl Dimension: 9...
  • 24,95 € In Stock
    Let yourself be seduced by this extraordinary creature Fawkes, the phoenix of Albus Dumbledore that Harry Potter discovers in the office of the Headmaster of Hogwarts. He possesses magical powers including healing wounds with his tears. These are his feathers that we find in magic wands, bound, of Harry Potter and Voldemort. This plush is a perfect...
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